The Joint Council 73 Pac Committee is dedicated to bettering Teamster lives through the political process. Today we are all faced with many challenges that take up our time and energy. We need an organized effort on our behalf to “watch our backs” so we can concentrate on the good things in life, like spending time with our families. Most of us work long hours and don’t have the time to keep up with the legislation politicians are trying to pass that will affect our lives.
The Joint Council Pac Committee sends representatives to the state house in Trenton on a regular basis. They sit down face-to-face with politicians and explain the working person’s side of issues. They also help to draft legislation that will benefit Teamster families. Sometimes you will see Teamster members out working specifically for a candidate that has been endorsed because that candidate is committed to protecting our jobs, our wages, and our benefits.
As well as State programs, the Joint Council Pac Committee assists the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Government Affairs Department with national issues of concern.
We communicate regularly with our U.S. Congressmen and Senators and encourage their help with issues that affect our membership such as health care, retirement security, trade agreements, and overtime pay, just to name a few.
Politicians are elected by us and need to be accountable to us. Big business outspends us in politics by 15-1, so we have to remain active on the political front to protect our way of life from being sold to the highest bidder. We encourage every member to register to vote and to join the national DRIVE (Democrat, Republican, and Independent Voter Education) program.
govnet.com : Legislature tracking and voting record.
njleg.state : New and upcoming Legislature.
nj.gov/state: Know who your Local, State and Federal Representatives are.