Joint Council 73
Fighting for New Jersey Teamsters
Standing Strong: Representing over 55,000 members across 13 New Jersey Teamster locals, Joint Council 73 is your voice.
Your Priority, Our Focus: We champion better wages, exceptional benefits, and secure retirement plans for Teamster families.
Empowering Locals: From organizing drives to strike support, we provide resources and guidance to our local unions in securing the best deals for members. Educational programs ensure strong leadership and a well-informed workforce.
Building a Better Community: We actively participate in civic and charitable initiatives, advocating for legislation that strengthens working families' rights and opportunities.
United We Stand: Our diverse membership reflects the vast reach of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Together, we are a powerful force for positive change.
Political Action: Our dedicated Political Action Committee (PAC) fights for pro-worker legislation and champions candidates who stand with Teamsters and working families.